FPC Groups

Women's Book Study

Join Women’s Book Study on Fridays at noon via Zoom as participants discuss If God is Love, Don’t Be a Jerk: Finding a Faith That Makes Us Better Humans by John Pavlovitz. For more information or to join, please contact the church office at 740-593-3351 or office@athensfpc.org or Joan Nease at christianed@athensfpc.org.

Tuesday Bible Study

This group is for all ages and interests. It meets every Tuesday at noon for study and discussion of the week’s lectionary passages. No advance preparation is required. Bring your lunch and get a head start on Sunday’s sermon topics.

Presbyterian Women

All women of the church are invited to participate in this organization of local church women which is part of the Presbyterian Women (PW) in Presbyteries, Synods, and the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Those interested may click here for more information on PW.

Women’s Circles meet monthly during the academic year, usually in members’ homes, for Bible study and fellowship. Women can take part in or contribute to PW events, activities, and local and international mission projects, even if they are unable to attend Circle meetings.

Earth Justice Group

A subgroup of the Mission and Outreach Committee, the Earth Justice Group meets monthly to discuss ways to promote the conservation of energy and natural resources. Click here for more information.

Other Opportunities

FPC offers a wide variety of yearly study and fellowship opportunities including a seasonal Women’s Bible Study, intergenerational events, outdoor worship services, and recreational activities. Contact the church office for more informational on additional offerings.